Tuesday, December 18, 2007


wow. it has been a VERY long day. was at school from 7:30am to 2:00pm (have i mentioned that i'm not a morning person?), then straight to work from 2:30-5:00pm. came home & had my left over subway sandwich (mmmm, sandwiches) & headed to the library, which is where i'm at now. i have to memorize half of the 50 page tort outline for tomorrow. good god, what have i gotten myself into?

at least torts is kinda interesting. did you know you can't defend your property with lethal force? a common misconception is that you can shoot trespassers. you can't. the torts professor giving the lecture was actually quite funny, so that also helped keep me from falling asleep after 7 hours of shit. he used a lot of sexual references in his examples - my kind of professor. i now know much more about syphyllis than i ever wanted to. hopefully i know a little something about torts, too.

the boring intro lecture this morning talked about preparing for the bar and setting some goals to keep us disciplined, so i've decided to do just that. i'm sure my goals will need some fine tuning as i better understand exactly what i need to do, but here they are for now:

- complete at least 1700 practice MBEs (those are the multiple choice questions on the bar) by the time the bar rolls around
- complete at least 5 essays by the bar
- complete at least 3 Performance Tests by the bar
- go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week
- have at least one night a week where i don't study for at least 3 hours (more if i'm caught up) and do whatever i want
- sleep at least 7 hours a night
- call friends/family at least once every two weeks
- limit my weight gained (i know i'll probably gain a little because of stress, sitting on my ass studying all day, and not eating as healthy as i should) to 5 lbs over the two months
- shower daily. i've heard lots of stories about bar studiers that stop showering/shaving. i don't want to be "that" girl - you know, the one that smells.

i'll think of more later, but if i'm going to get in my 7 hours of sleep tonight, i better get back to work.

- L

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