Friday, December 21, 2007

study while you sleep

wow. studying for the bar suuuuuuuucks. i've only been at it for a few days, but it's worse than i expected. and honestly, i expected it to be pretty bad. i basically do nothing but study, go to work, and sleep these days. life suddenly became VERY boring! it's funny how i make it sound like it used to be interesting ;)

i have, however, gotten creative about ways to fit in studying time. i downloaded (uploaded?) some MBE subject lectures on cd to my iPod. now, i can listen to them at the gym, in the car, while walking to/from school, or while eating. i've found it helps me get in my 10-12 hours of studying a day. i've also started listening to law lectures at night while sleeping. there's an episode of the tv show "friends" where chandler is trying to quit smoking so he listens to a tape at night that tells him he is a "strong, confident woman that doesn't need to smoke". the tapes help chandler to stop smoking, but also make him start acting like a woman. here's the episode, in case you care to watch:

anyway, i started thinking that maybe there's something to this whole "subliminal message" thing. so, i'm listening to law while i sleep. do you think i get to count that as 7 hours of studying? ;)

i've also made some bar flashcards. i'm interested to see how many flashcards i have when this is all over with. i bet i'll have a few hundred cards to memorize, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of making flaschards. but, they too help me fit in a few more minutes of studying here and there. i'm going over my flashcards while at work today. and, i look over the cards while soaking in the bathtub. i even look over them sometimes when going to the bathroom.

the good news is, today is friday and i don't have class again until next thursday! woo hoo! i still of course have to study every day but christmas, but it will be a lot easier to get in my hours of studying when i'm not in class for part of the day.

i took some sample constitutional law (the subject from yesterday & today) MBE questions yesterday while studying. i looked at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced questions. i did horrible on the beginner questions - i missed almost 50% of them. but ironically, i rocked the intermediate & advanced, getting over 80% correct! isn't that strange? turns out i'm just too damn smart for the easy questions ;) i hope the intermediate and advanced questions are on the bar. i'm sure this is the only subject where i'll actually wish for hard questions!

back to work, then studying.

peace out.
- L

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