Tuesday, January 8, 2008

indecision 2008

i know i'm going to make myself sound like a big geek here, but i'm very excited for the elections this year. actually, i'm very scared too. a few of the candidates concern me a little. especially huckabee and romney. and that's coming from a republican!!

i really wish i had more time to be active in the elections right now. i'd love to volunteer for ron paul's campaign. i know the chances of him winning are slim to none, but i think he shows a lot of promise to be a great president.

so, if you are not registered to vote, this is the year to register! it's going to be a very exciting, very close election. and even if you're not into politics, you're going to want to pay attention. there are a wide variety of candidates with a wide variety of beliefs on the issues and a wide variety of views for the future of america. i promise you won't agree with all of it, so do something to make sure the ones you do agree with it are the ones dictating what happens.

really, when you think about it, there's no excuse not to vote.
- don't know anything about the candidates? research them here.
- think one vote doesn't make a difference? it can. besides, what if there are 10 people sitting at home thinking one vote doesn't make a difference? 100? 1000?
- too busy to vote? have work/school/jazzercise that day? request a mail in ballot.

regardless of who you're going to vote for, even if you loooove huckabee and think every public school day should start with a good ol' fashioned christian prayer, go out and vote.

because if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about what you get stuck with.

a guy i sit next to in class and i were discussing keeping count of all our vices during bar prep. i'm trying to exercise regularly to fight stress and the school vending machine is out of mini donuts, so these days my vices are limited to vitamin water and packages of fruit snacks, so they've joined the bar count on the left.

- L

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