Tuesday, January 15, 2008

shhhh, it's a "secret"

for christmas, among other things, i received this book as a gift:

i've seen the dvd, but was also interested in reading the book. if you haven't yet read/seen it, basically its about using the law of attraction to obtain the things you want in life. it involves realistically imagining the things you want and making room in your life for that thing. to help focus on that thing you want, it helps to have reminders. so, to help keep me focused on passing the bar, focusing on the positive, i've put up a few posters around my apartment that i created by cutting pictures out of magazines. the pictures were mostly taken from the local bar association magazine and feature pictures of attorneys doing "attorney things". i have no idea if this whole "law of attraction" thing really works, but i figured it doesn't hurt to try.

here's one of the posters up in my apartment:

but unfortunately, it's a little bit of a stretch to relate that poster to passing the bar - it really has nothing to do with the exam. it's too bad there's not a magazine ad like this:

maybe i should print THAT out and use it as a poster ;)

my friend gretchen sent me an email with those funny inspirational posters because one of them was on ninjas, and everyone knows how much i like ninjas. i don't know why, but this one in particular...

....gives me lots of hope about passing the bar. i'd like to have it made into a t-shirt as extral moral support, but i'm afraid i might get some funny looks. i guess i'll just have to settle for the cheesy picture of me above giving the "thumbs up." 'cause satan knows THAT won't get me any funny looks.

"as above, so below.
as within, so without."

- the emerald tablet (quoted in the secret)

- L

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