Thursday, February 21, 2008

i'm turning into an old lady

studying for the bar has turned me into an old lady. i have five gray (or is it grey?) hairs! FIVE!!!! that is way too many for a 28 year old lady. i only had 2 when i started studying. and, in the past two months of studying, my eyesight has gotten noticeably worse. i used to only need my glasses when driving at night or after a long day of reading or staring at a computer. now, i can barely see without my glasses on, and its clear that they are no longer strong enough as i'm getting headaches constantly. but, unfortunately i don't have time to go get new glasses right now, so that will have to wait until after the bar.

my joints and muscles have also become very stiff lately, undoubtedly from sitting on my ass all day long. so, i've started doing yoga again. i used to be way into it a while ago, but then for some reason kind of got out. i've always thought its a good way to manage stress and improve flexibility to make me better at, you know, the business, so i decided to take it up again to help deal with my overwhelming stress. there's also some new craze called "laughing yoga" where you just laugh to release stress. i haven't tried it out yet, but after watching this video, i'm definitely considering it. this dude is the shiz.

i can't wait until i can go back to feeling only twice my age, not four times. unless i can be like this cool lady...then i wouldn't mind. ;)

"lost" is on in a few minutes, it's the only tv i'm allowed to watch these days. tonight kate and sawyer are gonna do it, and there's no way i'm missing that, so i gotta go.

- L

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