Tuesday, February 5, 2008

so, my school kinda rocks

i think my school is really into getting us to pass the bar exam, because not only are they paying for all of us to take the bar prep class (at about $4,000 per student), but they also give us lots of other goodies too. for example, today when i walked into class, there were muffins and juice, little plastic bags filled with pens, pencils, earplugs...all the good bar studying stuff! AND, they announced that they're buying us lunch on friday. they usually buy us lunch about once a week, and they bring in good stuff too, like tacos, sandwiches, pizza, etc. and whenever there's leftovers, i get to take it all home. god bless free food. no wonder i've gained weight studying for the bar! although, oddly enough, my pants have become much looser, so i'm not sure where the weight is going. maybe my ass. that'd be sweeeeeet!!!

studying for the bar makes me feel like i'm in grade school again. i only have one class in the same classroom everyday. i have a locker where i keep all my books. and, i bring my lunch to school in a paperbag with my name written on it everyday. i've been trying to eat more healthily, but usually end up trying to trade my lunch for something better, like a snack pack.

happy super tuesday. hope everyone voted!

- L

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